Get a Instagram Client_ID key

To be able to use and search after hashimages on Instagram, you need a client ID. This simple guide will step by step tell you have to get one.

* Note: You need to have a Instagram account to be able to get a client ID *

Follow these simple steps to get your own key.

  1. Login if your not already.
  2. Go to the Instagram Developer page.
  3. Click on ”Register your application”.
  4. If you don’t already have a application registered, you will now see a form to register a new one. If you instead see a list of ”clients”, click the ”Register new client” at the top right.
  5. Set application name to your websites name
  6. Type in a description, something like ”Registering to get a client ID to use in the EP Hashimage wordpress plugin”
  7. Add the url of you site on the two last fields.
  8. Hit register.
  9. Click ”Manage clients” in the top menu and you will now see you new client in the list and a client id, client secret and more. Copy the client_id and past that in the right field in the EP Hashimage settings page.
  10. Save and you are ready to use the Instagram API to search after images directly on Instagram.

For support, please see if you problem has already been solved in the support section over at, or post a new post there with a good description of your problem and I will try to help the best I can.