Hashimage documentation

** This documentation is for version 5 and above **

# Installation

  1. Download the plugin from wordpress.org or install it via your administration panel on your site.
  2. Unzip and upload to the plugins folder in your WordPress installation
  3. Read this guide on how to create a Twitter App
  4. If you want to use Instagram, read this guide on how to create a Instagram App
  5. Add your Twitter and Instagram details to the settings page.
  6. You are now ready to use the plugin.

# About

This plugin search after hashtagged images on twitter and/or Instagram.

The Twitter search can fetch images from the following networks in the twitter search result.

  • twitpic
  • instagram
  • yfrog

URL’s are being curled and cached using the WordPress Transients API. All content is loaded asynchronously, to have minimal impact on your sites loading time. It also refresh the feed asynchronously after the set cache time in the settings page. Default 20 minuter.

# Usage

There are three different ways to use EP Hashimage on your WordPress website. You have the options to choose between the template tag, the shortcode or the included widget. You can use all at the same time and you can use multiple widgets, shortcodes or template tags on your site.

There is no limit, however! The more you add, the more load you add to your server, and you can end up with a slow website as a result.

# Template tag

The template tag is a short php code that you can add to your theme, and it looks like this

    echo if (function_exists('hashimage'){
        hashimage(array('hashtag' => 'cats', 'limit' => 10));

Template tag options

The hashtag you want to use

The amount of images to display

This can be used to set another cache_time for this hashtag only

# Shortcode

The shortcode can be used in post or pages and is very simple with 3 options available. Here is an example with the two required options.

[hashimage hashtag=cats limit=10]

Shortcode options

The hashtag you want to use

The amount of images to display

This can be used to set another cache_time for this hashtag only

# Widget

Use the widget to display images in any of your widget areas. In the widget settings can you sett hashtag and limit.

# Styling

The list of images displayed by the plugin has a VERY minimal styling. The plugin ONLY make sure to remove the list bullet point.

If you want another style, maybe add borders around each image, you can do this by targeting hashimage classes that is added to the html elements. The structure is as follows

hashimage-list-item hashimage-item-# (# is equal to the image number in the list)

# Other Notes

  • The Twitter API only returns the latest results when searching on hashtags, so the result set is limited due to this. There are no exact limit but seems to be between 50-70. More info here (see limitations)
  • The Instagram API are using odd limits. If you set a limit of eg 30, you will never get 30 images back, it find 30 and then remove any that is private and give back all the images after that. A result can therefor be different on each request. I will be looking into a workaround for this in the future.